Archive | August 2013

BFFs Scavenger

Love these guys

Why I am getting a ps4 (Part 2)



In part one of this topic I discussed my reasoning behind choosing the PS4 over my current gaming pc. In this part I will discuss my rational behind switching from the xbox brand to playstation. I have played xbox for a few years and countless hours have been spent with games like COD, Battlefield , Skyrim, and others. And while I have enjoyed the xbox ecosystem, I don’t see it as part of my gaming future. Here are my points:

PRICE: The PS4 costs $100 less than Xboxone. This is a big plus for anyone, and given that on a tech level the consoles are about equal, Sony wins big here.

SPYING: This is only somewhat a joke. Xbox believes that people want a kinect so much they are mandating that it be on every single xbox. This is insane. Not only do I give zero shits about doing kinect yoga, the camera is always on (or could be without our knowledge). The PS4 does not require any camera. Who knew no one wanted to be spied on?

CONSOLE DESIGN: The XboxOne looks like its name. A big black box. How microsoft made the new xbox more ugly than the previous generation is beyond me. The PS4 has a nice angular design and is actually smaller than the PS3. PS4 takes this round.

CORPORATE VIEW: This is the most opinion driven category, but it is still, in my view, relevant. I see microsoft as the corporate giant too stupid to just listen to what people want. Microsoft made it clear that they care nothing for the consumer when the revealed their backwards policies regarding DRM and always online. Only when gamers cried FUCK NO!!! did microsoft take it back. But they had showed their true colors. Sony, on the other hand, has come across as more consumer focused and reasonable. 

In conclusion, I think Sony has really stepped their game up and I would not be shocked if their console becomes the most popular console. Whatever my opinion, remember to get the console you like, whatever anyone else thinks.

Why I am getting a PS4 (Part 1)


I have played for years on xbox. I have also played on pc after building one early this year. So why would I, with no connection to playstation be getting a ps4? The answer is simple. Sony is offering a very nice product at a great price point that does what even my pc cant do: run demanding games very well. My primary game the next two years will be Battlefield 4, and the PS4 will run it at 60 FPS and offer 64 player FusterCluck warfare. That is what I want out of a console. Sadly my pc playing days (for battlefield anyway) seem to be behind me. I built my pc for about the price of the xbox one, and it does a good job on most games. But Bf3 is where my pc falls on its ass. Even on low settings, I can’t achieve any solid fps. Playing at 30 fps on console is better than an unstable fps. The PS4 will deliver much better performance for less money than my pc because the game is simply optimized for console. I will most likely go back to pc in a few years, but only with money in my wallet. You need around $1000 to make a pc that will run the game really well. If you have that money go for it. If not, stick with a console. You will have way more fun. In part two I will discuss my reasoning for getting the ps4 over the xbox one.

An interesting take on Kobe’s recovery and the state of the Lakers. To Tank or not to Tank. That is the question Kobe wont even consider, and that could cost the Lakers a great draft pick.

The Russian Badger’s Baller Montatge

I have no words for this much awesome

About This Site

This site is dedicated to the world of gaming and sports. This site is the place to find gaming and sports commentary on the webs. I welcome all readers to comment and provide feedback. I am sure that as time goes on the blog will change as I change as a writer. So sit back and enjoy my ramblings. oh… YOLO

